This is a short study looking into whether or not there is evidence of Yashua the Messiah Worshiping or Praising Elohim in Dance. In Luke 10:1 you will find that Yashua sent out 70 men two by two into every city that He was about to go into….
Luk 10:1 And after this the Master appointed seventy others, and sent them two by two ahead of Him into every city and place where He Himself was about to go.
*Luk 10:2 Then He said to them, "The harvest indeed is great, but the workers are few, therefore pray the Master of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.
Luk 10:17 AndG1161 theG3588 seventyG1440 returned againG5290 withG3326 joy,G5479 saying,G3004 Lord,G2962 evenG2532 theG3588 devilsG1140 are subject untoG5293 usG2254 throughG1722 thyG4675 name.G3686
Luk 10:18 AndG1161 he saidG2036 unto them,G846 I beheldG2334 SatanG4567 asG5613 lightningG796 fallG4098 fromG1537 heaven.G3772
Luk 10:19 Behold,G2400 I giveG1325 unto youG5213 powerG1849 to treadG3961 onG1883 serpentsG3789 andG2532 scorpions,G4651 andG2532 overG1909 allG3956 theG3588 powerG1411 of theG3588 enemy:G2190 andG2532 nothingG3762 shall by any meansG3364 hurtG91 you.G5209
Luk 10:20 NotwithstandingG4133 inG1722 thisG5129 rejoiceG5463 not,G3361 thatG3754 theG3588 spiritsG4151 are subjectG5293 unto you;G5213 butG1161 ratherG3123 rejoice,G5463 becauseG3754 yourG5216 namesG3686 are writtenG1125 inG1722 heaven.G3772
Luk 10:21 InG1722 thatG846 hourG5610 JesusG2424 rejoicedG21 in spirit,G4151 andG2532 said,G2036 I thankG1843 thee,G4671 O Father,G3962 LordG2962 of heavenG3772 andG2532 earth,G1093 thatG3754 thou hast hidG613 these thingsG5023 fromG575 the wiseG4680 andG2532 prudent,G4908 andG2532 hast revealedG601 themG846 unto babes:G3516 even so,G3483 Father;G3962 forG3754 soG3779 it seemedG1096 goodG2107 in thy sight.G1715 G4675 (see Strongs translation to highlighted words below)
Luk 10:22 All thingsG3956 are deliveredG3860 to meG3427 ofG5259 myG3450 Father:G3962 andG2532 no manG3762 knowethG1097 whoG5101 theG3588 SonG5207 is,G2076 butG1508 theG3588 Father;G3962 andG2532 whoG5101 theG3588 FatherG3962 is,G2076 butG1508 theG3588 Son,G5207 andG2532 he to whomG3739 G1437 theG3588 SonG5207 willG1014 revealG601 him.
Scriptures Version
Luk 10:17 And the seventy returned with joy, saying, “Master, even the demons are subject to us in Your Name.”
Luk 10:18 And He said to them, “I saw Satan falling out of the heaven as lightning.
Luk 10:19 “See, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and none at all shall hurt you.
Luk 10:20 “But do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names have been written in the heavens.”
Luk 10:21 In that hour יהושע exulted in the Spirit and said, “I praise You, Father, Master of the heaven and of the earth, that You have hidden these matters from clever and learned ones, and did reveal them to babes. Yea, Father, because thus it was well-pleasing in Your sight.
Luk 10:22 “All has been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is, except the Father, and who the Father is, except the Son, and he to whom the Son wishes to reveal Him.”
Rejoice G21
From ἄγαν agan (much) and G242; properly to jump for joy, that is, exult: - be (exceeding) glad, with exceeding joy, rejoice (greatly).
Middle voice of apparently a primary verb; to jump; figuratively to gush: - leap, spring up.
Yashua “rejoiced”, by jumped for joy, or dancing .Yashua declared,
Scriptures version:
Luk 10:19 “See, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and none at all shall hurt you.
Luk 10:20 “But do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names have been written in the heavens.”
So what exactly does this all mean??.......
The seventy caused Yashua to Rejoice or Dance in the Spirit. But why did He rejoice in dance? Was it because the demons were subject to the 70? Certainly not, in fact He told them not to rejoice because of that (Luke 10:19).Yashua was rejoicing in the Spirit because their names are written in the Heavens (in the Book of Life). After this He rejoices .Isn’t it interesting that He asked them to rejoice for their salvation and immediately afterward demonstrates to them what He considered an appropriate display of rejoicing. Yashua even makes it clear what He is doing by declaring while he Rejoiced “I praise You, Father, Master of the heaven and of the earth, that You have hidden these matters from clever and learned ones……” .How awesome our Master and Savior is. Just as He taught His people how to pray He is instructing us how to rejoice .It is hidden in plain view. We are to remember that He taught us to walk as He walked:
1 John 2:6 He that saithG3004 he abidethG3306 inG1722 HimG846 oughtG3784 himselfG848 alsoG2532 soG3779 to walk,G4043 even asG2531 HeG1565 walked.G4043
From G4012 and G3961; to tread all around, that is, walk at large (especially as proof of ability); figuratively to live, deport oneself, follow (as a companion or votary): - go, be occupied with, walk (about).
After carefully looking into Strongs G4043, to walk as Yashua walks according to the scriptures means to live, follow, as in “follow the Path that He is on”
Yashua would never lead us astray or do something that would cause one of His children to stumble or fall. But He danced,He skipped and jumped for joy in the Spirit. Hey, don’t kill the messenger …….
I will go further to say that the same things that made Yashua dance then, causes Him to dance now. We need to understand that Elohim is ready to start the dance of victory for you and your congregation. The Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) may be asking you, “May I have this dance?”…………..
Thank you my friends, till our next treasure hunt…..
Michelle Hernandez
© 2010 by Michelle Hernandez. All rights reserved
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