
The Importance of Seeking A Worshiper’s Heart

       I met an amazing lady yesterday online that write this information about seeking a worshiper’s heart. It was something I kept hearing Elohim tell me in my heart but I didn’t know how to put it in words. In fact I have been meaning to add a study on it for a while .Well Trina Schellhammer did such an amazing job writing and explaining it ( its much shorter and to the point than I would have written it ,it’s perfect) I asked her if I could add it to HebraicDance.com. She said that I could add it and anything else from her site to glorify Elohim, she is a very kind and thoughtful lady.Please keep her in your prayers,I feel in my heart that she is going to be doing some amazing things for the Kingdom soon. Below is what she wrote,Thank you Trina for allowing me to share this with everyone :)


The Importance of Seeking A Worshiper’s Heart

      The Lord has been speaking to me about equipping Christians with the knowledge of the importance of building an intimate relationship with Him as a prerequisite for praise & worship.  I believe it is so much more important than just providing the 'props' to do so.  How are we to offer up our praise and worship with flags, streamers, or tambourines if we do not know the Person to whom it is being offerred?  The word of God tells us that in order for our sacrifice to be pleasing in His sight, we are to have clean hands and a pure heart, and to do this we need to be washed in His word.  We wash our faces every day, and we eat every day.  As followers of Jesus, how much more important should our spiritual life and growth, which is eternal, be to us?   His word tells us that in order to reap the blessings He has for us, we are to seek His face (see Psalm 24).  I believe that people are missing out on so many blessings because they do not invest the time seek His direction and just sit at His feet and listen for that still, small voice (see 1 Kings 19:12).  Are we more like Martha and attempt to do things through our own abilities and less like Mary who seeks her Lord and His Presence?  What does the Word say about what our priorities should be? (see John 10:38-42)  Out of the abundance of the heart, the worship will flow.  We need to "abide" and 'be rooted' in Him and in His Word.  These are two great words to begin your study!


I believe the Lord has placed this on my heart because those offering praise & worship need to put their relationship with the Lord FIRST, before preparing the routines, and props, and costumes.  If what we are calling what we do "ministering" and not performing, I challenge you to examine the fruit of your ministry.  Are we more worried about what people think rather than what God thinks?  In order for the fruit to be 'sweet' and anointed, we need to be filled to the rim with God's Spirit.  This is a daily filling, and comes from spending time with and intimately knowing the Person who created us.  Without that relationship, our praise and worship will be fruitless.  The closer we walk with Him, the more apparent our "fruit" will be to people, and, in turn, our offering will draw people to Him and we will become transparent.  People will be able to see His beautiful heart in us.

By Trina Schellhammer


This was use with the permission of Trina Schellhammer, to use information from her site for the glory of Elohim, do not copy or reproduce without proper permission from her directly.

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Comment by Rosalie Laughton on March 22, 2012 at 3:38am

Thank you so much for this insightful article! Yes, I agree wholeheartedly!

When we dance for the Lord in front of others, the first priority should be that it is pleasing to Him.

Our praise needs to come from hearts that are bound with His.

That means that we need to live very closely with Him, every day.  The rest flows out of our adoration of Him.

I believe we also need to be praying together, to seek His face in all our planning.

Bless you and thanks, again!


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